Bayou Liberty Association


Upcoming events in and around Bayou Liberty


The proposed landfill is on Highway 36, dangerously close to the head for Bayou Liberty, and even closer to the head of Bayou Lacombe. The Parish Council will decide the zoning case in their Special Council Meeting For Zoning Appeals on October 28 at 6:30 pm.

Considering its location, the BLA Board considers this proposed landfill by C&W Brigade LLC, a threat to the wellbeing of both bayous and to the community of Eastern St. Tammany. The majority of the almost 105-acres is currently zoned residential A-2 and A-3. The developers propose changing this parcel to a Solid Waste Management District (SWM-2).

If sanctioned, a SWM-2 zoning change will remain with the property permanently. This alarming zoning transformation would allow the property to be used for:

            Septage treatment facility (this is sewerage treatment)

            White goods processing

            Waste tire collection and processing

            Construction and debris landfill

            Separation facility (recycling)

The impact of toxins in rainwater runoff, as well as potentially leaching subsurface into the aquifers, and flowing directly into our bayous would create an ecological nightmare. No studies were conducted that could categorically exclude contamination of either or both of these designated Natural and Scenic Waterways.

The agency that oversees Louisiana’s Natural and Scenic Rivers, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries (LW&F), was unaware of this landfill proposal until BLA notified them last month. BLA also notified Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). To date, neither have responded to our concerns. BLA specifically inquired about any oversight and/or impact studies performed or planned by LDEQ pertaining to this landfill. We also expressed concern about the developer’s long-term plans for monitoring illegal toxic wastes being dumped alongside construction debris. There is also the issue of decomposing sheetrock, including paints and coatings, insulation and myriad other construction materials.

Future and planned expansion of the Slidell Airport may be in jeopardy. Landfills increase bird populations which feed upon the material in the landfill.  Birds are extremely hazardous to aircraft in flight.  The landfill location is approximately 4-miles from the airport.

The property surrounding the proposed landfill is primarily residential.  Much of it is owned by families who have lived on their property for decades, even generations.  Property owners rightfully fear adverse impact on their property values.

The leadership of the affected residential group created a “landfill website”  These residents successfully petitioned the Zoning Commission to unanimously deny this zoning change. The website invites concerned citizens to electronically sign their petition, thereby opposing the landfill. Please consider signing the petition, and then contacting Parish Councilpersons expressing your concerns regarding the landfill.

You can do two things -

Sign the petition as set forth by

Individually write letters to your Parish Councilperson and any other Parish Councilpersons with whom you have a relationship. Ask them to vote to UPHOLD THE DENIAL OF THE ZONING COMMISSION on zoning petition 2020-1915-ZC. No Landfill In St. Tammany.